
The Moist Mansion Murder Case《霧影莊殺人事件 》

This is a short story collection containing two stories: The Moist Mansion Murder Case and The Apparition in the Badminton Court. 

The Moist Mansion Murder Case〈霧影莊殺人事件〉



   In his published murder story without the solution chapter, Jiang Chuan, a famous mystery writer, challenges his readers to give an answer to the story. Those who answer correctly will have the chance to stay for one night in his villa, the MoistMansion, where huge amount of books of detective fiction is stored.

   Of course, Lin Ruo-Ping, the young detective always interested in philosophy and cracking mysteries, answers correctly. He finds that those who are invited to the Moist Mansion are of eerie combination: a young beautiful editor, a private eye from Japan, a vulgar mystery writer, a silent guy from nowhere, and two captains of Homicide.

   It begins with Jiang Chuan’s being accused of plagiarism during the dinner time. It ends up with a bullet hole in the chest. His own.

   Confined to the house due to an unexpected rainstorm, these experts of detection try to solve the murder on their own, and some of them propose solutions to the case. The question is: which one is correct?

The Apparition in the Badminton Court


Lin Ruo-Ping solves an impossible murder!

A girl was found dead in the badminton court in the PacificCollege, strangled by her scarf. Captain Jhang, in charge of this murder, found the whole case unexplainable: the murder was committed under the circumstance in which it was impossible for anyone to get in or out the locked court! How did the victim get in, and how did the murderer get in and out?

    Captain Jhang appeals to Lin Ruo-Ping to aid him in investigating the case. Lin Ruo-Ping proposes his own solution, but there is no evidence…


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