無意間在網路上看到一段從John Dickson Carr的小說中擷取出來的段落,這似乎是卡爾藉由他的第一位系列偵探Henri Bencolin的嘴中說出的,反駁「事實遠比小說更驚奇」這句話,令人會心的一笑。這就是密室之王卡爾對於謎團奇異性的堅持。

“Truth, I may remind you, is stranger than fiction.”
Spare me that tedious lie. You are quoting the only paradox which unimaginative people ever succeeded in inventing. And it is not true. It is insidious propaganda on the part of cheerless souls who want to make fiction as dull as truth... What we need is some fearless iconoclast who will come out boldly against this damnable tyranny, saying ‘Fiction is stranger than truth.’

Henri BencolinThe Lost Gallows


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